well its march 2012 now, a bit milder this weekend so its off into the garage for a play - fasten up the sidepanel clip at the back, - get the speedo cable threaded through and then decide to get the engine stuck in and take it from there. bit of faffing getting the mounts lined up, - initially put the rear shocker on first and after a lot of sweat, grunting and cursing, took it off and decided to put front mounts on first, - got the engine on some blocks of wood (no rear wheel on yet) and lowered the frame over, - a bit of wiggling and waggling and its on. - on to the rear shocker, a brand new one, - seemed to be too big, couldnt get the engine to drop low enough, tried compressing the springs a bit with mole grips but not enough, - then I found the culprit, - I had used overlong bolts when fastening up the splashplate, - just long enough to stop the silencer going the extra inch to give me enough clearance at the back, - 3 mins with a hacksaw and hey presto, on with the shocker. Good stuff, secure the seat bolts which I'd left loose- sit on it and bounce up and down for a minute or two, - get a couple of photos and call it a day, hopefully back soon.
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