Monday, 11 October 2010

1 - Gone and done it!

Well, - I've gone and done it! - bought myself a rusty old lambretta Li150 special with the grand intention of restoring it. Been toying with the idea now for a few years but never bit the bullet and went for it, finally one saturday morning, 18th September 2010, thought 'what the hell...' and off I went - later that afternoon I'm wheeling a Lambretta 150 special into the garage.

Have I done a sensible thing? - dont know yet, but at the moment I feel quite pleased with my purchase - 58 year old and here I am drooling over Lambrettas just like I did in the 60s ' had a J125 in 1968 that got me started and a spanking brand new SX150 in 1969 ( £197!!) my pride and joy for the next few years ( LCP 436H - wonder if its still alive somewhere?).
Will I get it restored? - well here goes, it won't be a quick job, Ive set a target date of my 60th birthday approx 20 months from now. Ive started the blog as an incentive to myself to keep going at it, as the worry is I might get fed up and abandon it - ah well, here goes - pass me the spanner......................

1 comment:

  1. Good work Rit - I'm sure it'll turn out to be a beauty.
